26 Sept 2015

Tickle, Tit for Tat!

Oh mum, here we go again! You and the camera and the lighting and the writing and those silly poses that don't look very us, or spontaneous! You might disagree with me but you're showing me up! It's one thing showing me off to friends and folks, as long as it's only once in a while - but to show me up like a prized toy you won at the fun fair, and to carry me in your arms like I'm some Chihuahua boy or you're some granny is not fair on either of us! Actually, it is short of insulting.

After all, I've got a reputation to maintain, as a typical Jack Russell Terrier: boisterous, cheeky, fearless, playful, fun-loving, spirited (some call me opinionated!) and downright mischievous! I'm a Terrier after all! Yet instead of that, you're making me feel all coy and pansy-like for your piece of literature... You write, you write, right! But can you just not get a real job instead, for a change? Just a thought, but now come to think of it... Maybe not that great an idea, because if you weren't working from home, I would see less of you, and that is just not cool!

Mum, you forgot the bells and whistles!

Ok for the write stuff but tsss, don't you go writing things about me that just aren't me. Just tell it as it is: you and I are besties, the crème de la crème, and we've been going strong together much longer than the average marriage, and that means something! That also means we're well over the 7-year itch! Now apart from you, what do I love? I love walks! Preferably down the countryside, because towns and noises, I'm not too keen. I love being off the lead, out there down the paths, sniffing about the bushes and rocks, looking for lizards and geckos and anything that is small enough for me to handle (while you're not looking!).

I like to potter around, investigate. I get all excited and then dash back to you at full speed to share my joy and excitement, as you're calling me and laughing! You and I sharing moments, that's Heaven! It's all about simple pleasures, like your lovingly serving me my favourite dishes. And then there's the cuddles and belly rubs like you know how, as I'm stretched out on my back, lying comfortably on your bed (the comfiest place on earth!). And then afterwards down the garden for a game of ball. As I roll and jump like Hong Kong Phooey, and catch that ball in mid-air like I'm in The Matrix, I imagine a football stadium, that of MUFC at Old Trafford... Aren't I a Super League Doggie? Plus I can dream a dream that is rooted in reality because I'm a Manchester born-and-bred boy after all! Just like you're a Manchester girl (well, sort of), for all that time you lived there, which was a very long time in doggie years!

Au naturel...

Mum, you saved me from the shelter in Harpurhey, and this I shall never forget! I am forever grateful and honoured that as soon as you saw me, you knew. And I knew. And we knew that we were made for each other, like we'd been designed to interlock our lives like pieces that fit to the T of Tickle. And every day since, this has been proven to us without fail and spelt in gold letters in our golden book of hours.

Now I know that there's this gentleman on the scene, whom you've known a little while, and you love him and he loves you, and he's coming to join me and you (ok he's joining you - and me by default), and be with us forever. That is great news! Of course, it might take a little time for all of us to adjust (jealous, moi?), but as soon as he plays the game right, gives me my favourite treats, and the attention I deserve (Am I sounding a little spoilt and exclusive here?), and kicks a good game of 'soccer' with me (soccer, whadyamean?!), I'll be forever sold to this guy too! The three of us will be family... and I might even change football club allegiances! Arrgh, don't you get me to say 'soccer' just off the bat, when a good ol' game of English football is a game of choice for an English-born English breed dog like I...


Love to all and off to play,

Tickle  x

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