LBM is a celebration of lifestyle that is edgy, off-centre and vitamin-laden!

One step ahead of the game, it cultivates an artistic edge and a sharp mind in its approach to society, culture, media, travel, and the environment. Add to this a passion for personal development, and you get Food for Thought for a Lifestyle with Attitude.

    In the run-up to Christmas, LBM ... 

      ... and much more!

      A warm welcome to you, and so glad to have you on board.

      V a l u e s :

      LBM is passionate about ethics and contributing a positive difference - no matter how small - to the world. I believe in the importance of ecology and the fair treatment of the planet and its resources, the respect of its vegetal and animal order, and I actively promote organic produce, permaculture methods and vegetarianism.

      With passion come strong opinions and I am not afraid to share them with honesty. I raise awareness, I talk from the heart and I talk from the head, and most importantly I walk my talk.

      I cultivate style and a tasteful and intelligent approach to my articles. I am passionate about the craftsmanship of words and sentences, so if you love "les belles lettres", you are in the right place. Welcome in!

      H o m e :

      A r c h i t e c t u r e  &  D e s i g n :

      G a r d e n  &  F o r a g i n g :

      W i l d l i f e  &  E n v i r o n m e n t :

      A g r i c u l t u r e  &  F a r m i n g :


      P e a c e  &  H u m a n i t y :