La Baguette embarked upon the Blogger adventure in
late Summer 2009, little did we know that we would one day hit landmark post #50, never mind #100! One year on and look what we've done: we've nailed another victory on the head with #200!
In an ideal world we'd be blogging to our hearts' contents day in day out, and celebrating as we speak #500 but that would be in an
ideal world. Rest assured my friends, there is no such thing with La Baguette! We'll leave the routine, discipline and high polish to our high-profile blogging colleagues and keep it real instead, just as it is, with a hectic unpredictable un-ideal life, where we oooh just about manage to juggle a blog
or two in the mix of it!
And that's just the way we like it by the way. So then
garçon, make mine and Carrie's a Cosmo and to the next #100!